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New global tax system

To tax multinational companies on business transactions completed in the UK, our government introduced the Digital Services Tax (DST) April 2020. The US response was to threaten to levy tariffs. However, a compromise has been reached that will see the introduction of a global system that will ensure multinationals do pay their fair share of…
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Time to let your hair down.

We are all due a little rest and recuperation. The last eighteen months have been challenging and stressful. If, big if, COVID infection is contained this winter, perhaps we could start to consider celebrating with and family and friends during the Christmas break. And why not fund a “business” related event that will have the…
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What is cabotage?

Although it sounds like a culinary dish – a cabbage compote (?) – cabotage is defined as the transport of goods or passengers between two places in the same country by a transport operator from another country. Its present relevance is a rule that restricts hauliers from the EU who can only make two cabotage…
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Reduction in support for hospitality sector

The temporary reduced rate of VAT (5%), introduced to assist qualifying hospitality trades disrupted by COVID lockdown measures, was increased to 12.5% from 1 October 2021. Based on present information, from 31 March 2022, this 12.5% rate will revert to the 20% standard rate. This reduction in VAT applied to the sales of hospitality trades…
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Tax year end – all change?

At present, self-employed traders (sole traders and partnerships) are taxed for each tax year on profits for the accounting period ending in that tax year. Therefore, if a trader’s accounting year end is 31 December, their assessment for 2021-22 will be based on adjusted profits for the year ending 31 December 2021. Which means that…
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Better late than never

A recent HMRC press release confirmed that sole traders and buy-to-let property businesses (but not incorporated businesses) will have an extra year to prepare for the digitalisation of Income Tax. Recognising the challenges faced by many UK businesses and their representatives as the country emerges from the pandemic, and having listened to stakeholder feedback, the…
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New measures to ease fuel supply chain pressures

The UK Government has announced that further measures will be put in place to help ease supply chain pressures as spikes in demand for fuel create a panic buying hysteria. This added pressure to already stretched supply chains is a further blow to affected businesses across the UK. The Government has announced the new measures…
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Tax Diary October/November 2021

1 October 2021 - Due date for Corporation Tax due for the year ended 31 December 2020. 19 October 2021 - PAYE and NIC deductions due for month ended 5 October 2021. (If you pay your tax electronically the due date is 22 October 2021.) 19 October 2021 - Filing deadline for the CIS300 monthly…
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Students are warned of tax scams

University students taking part-time jobs are at increased risk of falling victim to scams, HMRC is warning. Higher numbers of students going to university this year means more young people may choose to take on part-time work. Being new to interacting with HMRC and unfamiliar with genuine contact from the department could make them vulnerable…
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Data easing for the UK?

In a recent press release issued by the Department for Digital, Culture, Media and Sport, with the leading title “Unleashing Data’s Power”, it was announced: “The Information Commissioner’s Office (ICO) is set for an overhaul to drive greater innovation and growth in the UK’s data sector and better protect the public from major data threats,…
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